Try This Chakra Balancing Meditation

This lesson walks one through a full chakra system balancing meditation!

Chakra Balancing Reflective Prompt

This practice can help you clear, re-energize and revitalize your chakra centers!

Commit as best you can to practicing the chakra balancing meditation at least once a week – if not multiple times a week – for a month.

Journal your experiences working with this practice including how you feel before and after the meditation, what energy centers seem to be more balanced and which seem to be regularly in need of support.

Also, pay attention to any memories, emotions and thoughts that begin to surface during this time as this can be an indicator of energy moving and healing.

I’ve said it over and over, but definitely study the chakra section in Awakening Soul Force: A Practical Guide to Awakening the Truth Within which is available on Audible and paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The book is a thorough reference guide for your own deep chakra work. As you evolve and become more aware, so too will your practice — so keep it up!

Look forward to seeing you in the next lesson where we are gonna discuss “deconditioning”!

