Energize & Balance Your Throat Chakra

This lesson is about the throat chakra which is connected to our ability to listen deeply, to speak our truth, as well as our sense of rhythm, timing and alignment.

Throat Chakra Reflective Prompt

This week, work with your throat chakra and journal about your ability to communicate in alignment.

How would you describe your ability to speak up and give voice to how you feel?

When you listen to someone are you able to “hear” more than just their words?

Think about the kinds of conversations you engage in: are they event oriented and fact based?

Are they stories shared with a little added exaggeration for dramatic value?

Do you tend to speak more from personal experience, in hypotheticals or speculative gossip?

There’s no right or wrong answers here, just an understanding of how you currently wield the energy of your throat chakra. I highly recommend reading the throat chakra section in Awakening Soul Force: A Practical Guide to Awakening the Truth Within which is available on Audible and paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The book is a great reference guide for your own self-guided chakra work.

See you in the next lesson!
